Saturday, May 8, 2010

Haiku Revival

Haiku Revival

Psalms 80:18

Interpreted through Haiku

Revive us again,
That we may call upon you,
With our whole Hearts then!

Who is ready for God? What ever does he look like
What ever does he look like?
Look at this mirror

Overwhelming need...
Need to make peace with His God;
Nothing satisfies

A person all ready, 
to surrender heart to God;
Nothing else has worked!

Give up their control
Release the claims on others;
The need to be right!

Replace self, strong will,
With concern for others lives.
Not have their own way

Glad for other's wins,
Enjoy the other person's
Success, Eminence!

On the other hand;                                 

Revival is slow,
to those who are to show floks
all that they do know

Revival is slow, 
To persons always striving
What to do for God!

On Balance;                                 

God Looks for Faithful
Ones not concern for themselves;
But risk getting close.

He resists the one
Who only lives self-centered,
Or puts others off!

Broken confess sin
Grieve over deep rooted hurts
Sorrow for all sin!

Some confess surface
Acts when ever theyget caught,
Sorrow for results!

They see circumstances
Culprit of all their distress;
Wanting to look good!

In conclusion;                                 

Who are you to tell? 
Which one you may be?
On surface or heart!

Ask God for your help;
To change your heart to be new;
Find revival true!


Lord, Change me today,
Make my broker heart anew
Revival begin!

There thoughts were taken
from a message by Joni

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Blessing of His Presence

Harken to my word,
Blessed shall you be going in;
Bless you going out.

Battle going out,
Blessed one wins, takes away spoil;
Blessed never looses.

Blessed when comming in,
Sanctuary His presence,
Is fullness of Joy!

You win much, without
Sorrow adding to your wealth;
Free to give at times!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Haiku Forgiveness

I saw one who could
not forgive the very great Hurt;
Judged it by effect!

For them selves judged by
motive always pure and true;
others by effect.

This  double standard
never noticed in their mind;
made life difficult!

If the scripture said
forgive to be forgiven
some excuse be made

To allow the sin
to be dropped, overlooked;
Remission given.

The forgiver
discovers himself is the
one who is set free!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Maturity Haiku

Many Questions Asked
about how things should be;
Answers not given!

Like the day when I
looked down for the puppets feet;
Or saw a clown close,

The picture that I had ,
Did not fit with my real life;
Answers not given.

Who was I to ask
That they would not laugh at me;
Yet many questions!

What to do with pain
Expectations not fulfilled,
What am I to do?

Where do I go now,
What does the future now hold;
Puppets with no legs!

Turn your face to God,
Some one told me to cry out;
His ears would hear me!

Could it be the truth?
I thought with hope to find out;
If it could be true!

Do I trust again?
Could this God be real, and near;
Would he be able?

Would He even care?
With so many on his mind?
My world with no legs!

Turn to Him I did,
On the hope that He might Help;
To see what might be!

He opened Bible,
Answers my questions given;
Great Peace to my mind!

Love, Joy in my heart,
Questions all answer, given;
Acceptance now felt!

Puppets not alive,
Ears, but could not hear my cry,
Clowns all now make believe!

Only God is real
With ears to hear my out cry;
With justice for all!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Disciple

Open heart and mind,
Hear voice of Holy Spirit;
To do as He says!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bible Themes Haiku

Bible Themes Haiku

Bible themes present
Faithfulness, Love Justice too,
Judgment and mercy!

Faithfulness through out
Always there to answer cries,
Give relief needed!

Love from one who is,
His being always the same;
Presence defines Love!

Justice, Holiness;
Seeing each with fairness true,
Doing what is Right!

Judgment, acting on
Needs that are presented full;
He acts Finally!

Mercy always first,
Exalts over all judgment;
Winning over hearts!

These five traits of God,
Pervades all things that He does;
Defining His work

God remains abundant,
In all that he says and does;
Solid as a rock!