Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hope Haiku

Hope Haiku

God is with you now,
with you through all of the pain;
to bring you his HOPE!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Mind Haiku

The mind a basket;
Put nothing in, nothing out!
Save a thought of Faith!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Consider the source Haiku

Consider the source
when ever something is said;
first step to belief:

Who might have  said it?
What would be  their true motive?
What is the context?

Is their voice truthful?
Ever selfishly given?
What will be their gain?

Might God be using
their sin, pain and their grief,
To correct my life?

Can I use their life?
To guide me to a  right way;
And make me better?

Problem Haiku

A problem half solved,
When factors are clearly said;
The end opens up clear.

Goals Haiku

Learn the lesson Well...
The parable of the ship
It has no value;

No value at all
Unless it finds it's port of call,
So it is with man.