Thursday, January 21, 2010

No fear!

No Fear

I am finding that FEAR is a compendium (range) of feelings that in general register a disincentive to experience a past experience (or imagined experience.)

  • This range goes from a slight desire to not eat a certain food for example to
  • an overwhelming revulsion of the subject at hand.
         When loss of control accompanies,

         the element of rage provides emotional power to achieve the avoidance.

    The problem with the elements you are describing is that the cells have memory.
    • Even when you can consciously take control of the thoughts
    • (which sometimes I can't,) the physical parts of the body remember the pain and even can reproduce it in a phantom experience.
    • At times this experience seems as real or more so than the originating offense.
    Because Fear has a transitional facit that connects the soul and the spirit, things can be difficult. Trying to touch it is something like trying to shoot a disappearing target at an arcade. Now you see it and now you don't!

    So what is the HELP?

      The Spiritual help first will over power the soul and ultimately the body will fall in line.
    • The Master said, "my words are Spirit and they are Life.
    • What I did was to read the Psalms
           out loud at first,

           as they are more powerful than the thoughts when read out loud.

    • Read ten a day.
      1. that will take you through twice a month.
      2. It helps to synchronize the numbers on the day
             (i.e. #1-!0 on the first; or on the 16th)

             That way if you miss a day just start up where you are for the current calender day (i.e. on the 22nd #71-80)

          This will do two things.
        • First it will renew your mind to the things of the Spirit.
        • Then over time, you will begin to see that God HATES your experience of pain as much or more than you do.
        • As you begin to sense that you can sense His presence in your world.
        • Knowing that he is there will in time hinder the power of the memory to control you
        • until eventually you think more of Him than the object of fear.
      3. To know Him is to desire Him and
      4. To desire more of Him.
      5. This same desire will replace the "dis-desire" evidenced by the Fear!
      1. As you have more and more power to control the fear,
      2. take the new freedom obtained and help another.
      3. Find one who has this or similar fear
        and help to understand the things that you have learned.

      4. The process of confession removes the darkness surrounding the subject;
      5. which is the power of the Fear.
      6. It also takes your own mind off yourself to help and build up another.
    If this does not all happen at once it will prove powerful over a few months.
    Be patient with yourself and your progress
    as it can take twenty-one days to replace or make a new good habit.
    Unchallenged these old fears can last a lifetime,
    and have been known to shorten an otherwise good life,
    but something good will happen to you today when you take hope.
    I also hope the best for you.
  • Thursday, January 14, 2010

    So you dont have to feel too bad after the holidays and those meals...

    I am praying about offering to start a first place group for men only. It combines the spiritual, emotional, and physical in order to give men a handle on the weight thing. The program helped me loose twenty-five pounds, and keep it off (mostly!) Would be nice to get with a few like minded guys to deal with the old belt line and I am not talking about the street!

    The way that it helped me most was: I did not really know of what good nutrition consisted. For me to maintain my targeted weight i need only to abide by my budget: 8 meat units, four units each of :veges,fruits, and breads. then two units of milk items and fat items. I came off of a "Adkins Hybird" diet, and the hardest part for me was that of cutting down my meats. After four weeks of making no progress, I was challenged by a leader to just try the actual program. When I did, to my geat surprise,I dropped three pounds. Not much, but it was my first success. After two go arounds, of the thirteen week group, I lost my twenty-five pounds. I since have gained seven back as I have gone through some stresses. Would like to get a handle on it again. Sadly one of my remedies when life is loosing it is to eat contraband. I think that if I had group of guys and a little accountability, I might get back in the discipline.

    The thing that particularily grabs my attention right now is that in the last two months I have persnally witnessed two men who I knew up close who had, not a bad weight problem, but "just a little overweight" problem. This combined with the poor nutrition choices, alerted me to the eminence of death. Within a week of my eating a meal with one, and answering the call to pray for the other, they each died. I asked the second about his diet, and he said he used to worry about it but not any more. I have worried about this ever since. I felt like both were exemplary Christians and are already missed by more than their immediate family. Could either of these senseless deaths have been prevented? I don't know, but would be nice to get the information out to guys who have an ear to hear. What do you think?

    The program costs a little for the reference books as to what constitutes a unit of meat, bread etc. And for instance how many raisins I can have to count one fruit. It is seventeen by the way. The miracle is that as Psalm 139 points out we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that I know right well. Eating a balanced diet adequate to support as much as 90% of a persons weight eliminates real hunger, and when emotional cravings are dealt with, the body doesn't scream too much. There are several acceptable "cheat foods" like carrots, or celery that give you that chew but don't really blow the whole day! Rather than try to tell a guy what he can not do, it gives him trade-offs. For instance you can have a huge piece of cheese cake if you are willing to walk to the top of the "empire state building" and back down a couple of times. That is how much sugar,fat, and carbs that you getting. It is okay to have a feast once in a while if you realize the trade-offs. Cutting only 10% of food needs does not throw the body into starvation mode, therefore adipose tissue is burned with out eating . Most diet programs cause the body to devour muscle first, and after it is over the last to replace is the muscle. Most of the toxins are fat soluble, so we have to drink an abundance of water to flush the system as the inches melt away. These are the kinds of lessons that we learn in the progress toward a heavenly bod! Does this sound like something you could make time to look into? Do you know anyone else willing to make a few changes. Please reply or call me. Hal

    What do you do when you're facing a particularly stubborn problem? A problem
    that resists your every effort to solve it?

    Put the power of love to work on it! The power of love is the greatest power in
    the universe. It's beyond defeat. It never fails (1 Cor. 13:8).

    Saturday, January 9, 2010

    Having done all to stand STAND!

    Having done all to stand STAND!

    Thank you also for your faithfulness. I sincerely believe that there is a place open and waiting for the someone with very gifts and experience that X______ has to bring to the table! Having shared with him over the Christmas season, I believe in you and that your contribution will continue to be valuable!

    1. . Keep the switch of faith turned on!
      (By that I mean; we remain expectant of the greatest of Job Opportunities.)

    2. . Be faithful in the little.
      (By that I mean; keep doing the little daily disciplines that no one but God sees; prayer,bible, encouraging others)

    3. . Corresponding Actions
      (By that I mean; do in your daily life what you would be doing if you already had the Prayer request. )

    4. . Remember that you are not alone.
      (By that I mean; If you find your self down, contact someone who believes in God for some encouragement and prayer.

      Two are better than one and a three fold cord is not easily broken. If one stumbles, the other can pick him up.

      My experience has shown that close before the answer materializes, discouragement is the strongest.

      I have learned to take this lying symptom as a signal that the answer is near. )

    5. Give and it shall be given you.
      (By that I mean look around for others to encourage, or even pray that they receive the very thing that you are needing. It helps me believe for others needs and it is much easier to stand in the gap for another than to stand alone for your self. )

    Hope that these thoughts are more help than hindrance.
