Thursday, January 21, 2010

No fear!

No Fear

I am finding that FEAR is a compendium (range) of feelings that in general register a disincentive to experience a past experience (or imagined experience.)

  • This range goes from a slight desire to not eat a certain food for example to
  • an overwhelming revulsion of the subject at hand.
         When loss of control accompanies,

         the element of rage provides emotional power to achieve the avoidance.

    The problem with the elements you are describing is that the cells have memory.
    • Even when you can consciously take control of the thoughts
    • (which sometimes I can't,) the physical parts of the body remember the pain and even can reproduce it in a phantom experience.
    • At times this experience seems as real or more so than the originating offense.
    Because Fear has a transitional facit that connects the soul and the spirit, things can be difficult. Trying to touch it is something like trying to shoot a disappearing target at an arcade. Now you see it and now you don't!

    So what is the HELP?

      The Spiritual help first will over power the soul and ultimately the body will fall in line.
    • The Master said, "my words are Spirit and they are Life.
    • What I did was to read the Psalms
           out loud at first,

           as they are more powerful than the thoughts when read out loud.

    • Read ten a day.
      1. that will take you through twice a month.
      2. It helps to synchronize the numbers on the day
             (i.e. #1-!0 on the first; or on the 16th)

             That way if you miss a day just start up where you are for the current calender day (i.e. on the 22nd #71-80)

          This will do two things.
        • First it will renew your mind to the things of the Spirit.
        • Then over time, you will begin to see that God HATES your experience of pain as much or more than you do.
        • As you begin to sense that you can sense His presence in your world.
        • Knowing that he is there will in time hinder the power of the memory to control you
        • until eventually you think more of Him than the object of fear.
      3. To know Him is to desire Him and
      4. To desire more of Him.
      5. This same desire will replace the "dis-desire" evidenced by the Fear!
      1. As you have more and more power to control the fear,
      2. take the new freedom obtained and help another.
      3. Find one who has this or similar fear
        and help to understand the things that you have learned.

      4. The process of confession removes the darkness surrounding the subject;
      5. which is the power of the Fear.
      6. It also takes your own mind off yourself to help and build up another.
    If this does not all happen at once it will prove powerful over a few months.
    Be patient with yourself and your progress
    as it can take twenty-one days to replace or make a new good habit.
    Unchallenged these old fears can last a lifetime,
    and have been known to shorten an otherwise good life,
    but something good will happen to you today when you take hope.
    I also hope the best for you.
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