Fibonacci Sequence
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The Fingerprint of God
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Fibonacci numbers - The Fingerprint of God
The Fingerprint of God RIPPED OFF by Geometry Gematria Cryptology Bible Code Horus
Dear friends,
It occurred to me that as the summer approaches; Our church will have completed a dramatic increase in every level of ministry. At the first of the year, Pastor Robert led us by faith to pray for double the size of every ministry. If we follow the fibonacci sequence found in the above videos, the next year we may triple in size, reach and effort. As I have considered these things, it occurred to me that is going require a bit of growth; for all of us... and for that matter every thing related to this work. We know there is no distance in prayer, and I am discovering that we can reach into the coming time and pray for mercy for things yet to come. By this we conclude that prayer is not limited by time.
The true size of a church is not the number of people who attend on any given Sunday morning. Instead there are many circles of people who feel affiliated with the church at any given time. Some attend once every several weeks. Others attend on some kind of pulse each month although not by any means every week end. Others attend every week but not at other times. Still others attend weekly while another circle of people attend casually or occasionally during the mid-week services. Some others attend every time the doors open. There are similar patterns for those who attend some off site assembly of life group or home bible study. This pattern of degree in commitment repeats it self in each effort and outreach the church engages.
The picture that I would hope to draw is a spiral of people who start out at the edge and as they grow respectively they traverse the graph plotting their degree of commitment until they reach an inner ring where nearly every moment of their thought is about the Lord and His Church. I believe in practice this progression follows the reverse of the Fibonacci spiral, and therefore can be predicted or even relied upon for planning efforts.
With this picture in mind, each person, in the picture, will feel and claim to be affiliated with the church. I believe that this sense of affiliation is the truest evidence of membership, not the name and number on the rolls at any given time. In the limited experience that I have had in the denominations, the people who attend a given week services may fluctuate given other interests, commitments, the weather. or a host of other factors. What ever the "average" number of attenders may be; it is something. If that something is a base then the people who feel committed to the point of attending Wednesday evening or Sunday evening will be a percentage of that base; I suggest between 10 to 20 percent. Of that group we will call the committed, there is a smaller group who feel a burden to pray. I have noticed this smaller sub-group it is approximately twenty percent of the committed.
Extending this to the percent of the whole, we have 20% of 20%. This yields something in the neighborhood of 4% at the maximum. I do not think that our congregation is equivalent in percentages, as it appears to me we have slightly larger numbers in both groups. We do however have a smaller percentage of active members as compared to Sunday attenders. We also have a smaller number of prayer persons than the number of active persons. What ever the actual percentage is if we continue to grow this group who prays, The larger body will grow proportionately. It is this group that we must begin to pray for, develop, and encourage. As it grows the outer rings of people will grow in number, proportionally. Pastor's overall goals will indeed be met when we induct, equip, and employ in the service of prayer a double number of people this year. If next year the church triples, the number of prayer people would be expected to triple as well. In this case, we also will see larger numbers of people fill the volunteer opportunities, and extending the circle; the chairs on Sunday morning. Out task of praying to obtain pastor's goal is thus simplified. Let's induct more people into he ranks of the prayer army! Because I understand that is His heart's cry, I wanted to encourage you that in so doing; you are actually implementing Pastor's vision. Because He obtained this vision from the Lord, you are actually implementing the Vision of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It would appear that we need to process this vision by praying in two ways. Jesus said to pray that the "Lord of the Harvest" would send laborers as the harvest is white to harvest. Are we gathering all the fields that have been planted. One method of causing the whole group to grow is to first realize that these completely different persons reside in each group. In each and every meeting encourage growth to the next ring. In the Wednesday services encourage life group participation. In the life groups encourage other volunteer services and opportunities. Also encourage each person whatever the meeting to enter the prayer army. There are a host of prayer group opportunities; like for instance heartline has a prayer support. Pastor Robert has stated that he wants prayer to be the back bone of every ministry. I suggest that each volunteer group be encouraged to develop parallel prayer support. A healthy tree has it's own root system. Many a vine uses the neighbor to support the weight of the branches, but each relies on it's own roots.
We have noticed that the mission Jesus proclaimed in Luke 4:19 was a repeat of the prophet Isaiah 61:1-4. The Jewish ear hearing this proclamation was very familiar with this section of scripture. It had been memorized as a requirement to enter into adulthood as a Jewish person.
The ceremony "Bar-Mitzvah." required a host of memorizations; like the first five books of the Old Testament as well as some writings in Poetry, History, and the Prophets. This section in Isaiah, was one of the prophetic section as it pointed to the then future Messiah. By saying, "This day this scripture is fulfilled in your presence,"Jesus verbally claimed that He was the Messiahof the Jewish People. Every Jewish twelve year old matriculated through "Bar-Mitzvah." thoroughly knew the scriptures. Every ear eagerly anticipated what the next line of his message that day would be. Each heart opened to the familiar lines that were coming on the next breath. Attaching the section of scripture you might glance it the words. He quotes the verse one perfectly, then the first line of verse two. He closed the book and told the astonished ears that these words were fulfilled this day. They eagerly anticipated a reading of at the least four, eight verses or the whole chapter. How could they know that the following section would be fulfilled by his own self, the "Body of Christ." What he did not say however, would be found found two phrases later. He would appoint those who would morn in Zion. Morn has been found to be a code word for prayer and Zion the church that resides in the Hearts of men as opposed to the group that follows the stated liturgy of the Jewish Tradition. What we have is the church will appoint, a military term like induction or conscription, those to fill out the prayer army. I have exercised this appointment on several occasions with varying degrees of success. I suppose the degree acceptance parallels the same spiral that we have studied in the earlier section. At any rate the ears who God in heaven permits to hear this appointment will gain new tools, a sense of mission and over time all of the charismata associated with a person of prayer. In conclusion in order to fulfill Pastor Robert's (and Christ's) mandate to reach out top the world we should do all of the work of the ministry as well as induct prayer persons to supply nourishment to the tree.
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