Saturday, May 18, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Time is short
Shocking news yesterday, here is the rest if the story....
Have a neighbor with some history... Now how often does Neighbor and history mean something good????? Well with this guy and his story it at best has been a little "iffy!" As events unfolded yesterday we discovered that almost no one in the neighborhood liked this guy. Could be that I am little unusual, but I never looked at all his deficits but only his better points. In short I did like the guy. He was a very interesting person, his profession was that of a DJ. He owned a firm that would sent a MC to a party, function or event. He personally moderated the VFW monthly events, and several other regular club events. Additionally, he became the "canned party" at many weddings as well as other similar celebrations like Birthday, Graduation Parties or Quientera. One time he mentioned that he had twelve thousand songs (MP3) on his computer. His search engine would find the tune as fast as a person could request it; making these parties seem spontaneous.Over time it became a game with the two of us to tell each the joke "de jour" we had heard. Seldom did I hear a joke that he did not already know and could beet me to the punch line. Even that fact was fun! Once started, we could tell jokes back and forth for some time, He had no trouble telling three to my one, but it was still fun.
Here is the scenario making this piece relevant. With no presenting medical issues; he pulled into a famous Tex-Mex restaurant for a light lunch before an afternoon "Gig." He called his wife from the parking lot to "touch base." She reported that there was no particular alert within his call. He told her of his love for he and hung up. He must have sat in the car a few seconds as the doors were never unlocked. Later a passer-by noticed him. Then after knocking with no response, they called a paramedic. Arriving; The emergency team opened the door only to find that my friend had passed from this world.
... Left this piece in draft form several months: Even today the unexpected nature of his "Call To Report": "Who is the God of your Life?" leaves me stunned (as I think about it!).
Was My Friend ready? Am I ready? Are you ready?
It is never too soon to make your piece with HIM!
Happy Easter
"FACE TO FACE - A Gateway Series | How we view God affects every single area of our lives. It shapes how we feel about Him, how we talk about Him and even how we talk to Him. But God is divine and we’re only human, so how do we discover who He is, how He acts and what He’s like?"
Join us for Face to Face—a dynamic new Gateway series...You’ll discover that the best way to get to know God is by looking at the One He sent—Jesus. You won’t want to miss any of these messages as Pastor Robert takes a look at several everyday encounters of real people who had divine encounters when they came face-to-face with Jesus. And as you get to know God better, your life will be transformed!
29 Services to Choose From
This weekend | Friday - Sunday
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Monday, February 25, 2013
what role does it play in a vibrant prayer life
Having negotiated several winters, I have stumbled upon a few surprising secrets laying amid the clutter and rubble of a daily life. In effort to restore the place to one of beauty peace and joy, some lessons were gleaned but not nearly enough. Being a person of concrete thought, it at times can be difficult to slip over into the spiritual side. The reality and the pain of the world seems to war against that simple trust in the saving, redeeming, restoring, refreshing Messiah!
So... how to take control the mind, leave off of the dirty here and now... slip into the dreamy by and by; tata Is this the eternal universal problem.
Alas saved by the word. Praise the Lord. That is it; To praise the lord, THIS translates us into the heavenly (in both mind and spirit.) The thoughts of the Lord reside in the right side of the brain, exactly the opposite side of the brain compared to the concrete.
So "praise and worship" transfer the conscious thought center from the concrete into the spiritual side making faith easier, as well as Hope and Love.
I conclude :"Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord. "
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Personal Prophesy
To begin with: prophesy in the old testament is very different from that given since the first day of Pentecost ... after Jesus' life. In the Old Testament times there existed only three classes of people who had the "presence of the Holy Spirit" on a continuing basis. The King, the prophet (at times the group of prophets,) and the High Priest (each one presided for only a year.) The Holy Spirit also "hovered' over the plurality of Jewish people; but on no one in particular. Jewish people today at times sense the "fire" or presence of the Holy Spirit when the Torah is paraded among the congregation during a part of the regular prayer service (if and when this is offered.) This again is a some what unusual experience that only a few that I have talked to have experienced even once. Often it is felt as a weight, or heaviness (gravity.) The thought gleaned from this is that when one spoke prophesy, the only way to discern the voracity of the message was to observe the "prediction over time." If the thing prophesized happened, it was the Lord; if not, stone the false prophet! In the .New Testament church every believer has the presence of the Holy Spirit. This changes the way prophesy is given and received (by others) as well as how we each.give (and receive our own selves). Not all are aware of this "Yahweh Shamash" presence of the Lord but unless a person engages in willful or "spiritual" sin, His presence never leaves or forsakes. This Presence then can change how people relates to personal prophesy. The Lord's first choice is to speak to the person personally his ownself. If there exists some question as to understanding or implementation of y his message, the Holy Spirit will confirm what was said/heard with other communication. If this confirmation comes in the form of personal prophesy, it would of necessity HAVE to exhort (encourage,) edify (build up,) and/or comfort (console). If the personal experience of personal prophesy does not seem to confirm something already heard from the Holy Spirit or something soon to be heard, it is best "placed om the shelf" until such time as the Holy Spirit presents the information in an understandable form or context.
Couple days ago I was surveying some of the classes offered this semester on Wed evenings, and ran across Pastor Craig Terndrup's series on Prophetic leadership. It will be presented this next three weeks. I took it last year and believe it to be a most through foundational presentation of anyone needing this knowledge. If you have the freedom in your schedule, I believe the information would be excellent; and to protect you from error. Such error can be the result of the many personal prophesies you are likely to encounter during the next few years. While there are audio files of this material (which are preferable to nothing;) the actual experience of the class is invaluable. Some of these things are not taught, but rather caught. By that I mean there is practice time as the class progresses. In these practice prophetic interchanges, it was very surprising to me, to see how strong the Spirit manifested through these things. After the practice, the leader asked for examples of prophetic words that seemed particularly accurate. There were several profound messages in the class of 30-40 people. Additionally the synergy of several "prophetic persons" yields a stronger effort than the sum of the parts. The easiest way to discern the prophetic is to actually have the "gift" yourself. It also reduces the "need" for the Holy Spirit to have to speak through others to get you a message. You "GET IT!" (ha ha.)
All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to any one who seeks. The actual prophet in the new testament time has three specific gifts if he is one. 1) word of wisdom, 2) word of knowledge, and 3) prophetic speaking. The gift of tongues along with the gift of interpreting tongues is equal to the single gift of prophetic speaking. In the same way that a millionaire has money but not all people who have a million dollars are millionaires, not all people who have these gifts are prophets in the NT sense. I was not thinking that you were called to the office of Prophet, but rather that you would benefit from knowing some of these concepts. It seems to me that the more tools in a carpenters tool bag, the more different things that he does not have to rely on the other guy to do. If he needs a special skill, that person may or may not be available. But, If he can do it himself, he is able continue to progress. Our Habitation service seems to me to be a very excellent example of a public meeting where the Prophetic is strong. To oversee services like this, you would be well served to understand the process and practice from personal experience. It is a learned skill, as well as a gift of the Holy Spirit. You could say the ability to learn these things is itself a gift of the Holy Spirit. You do not have to be a David Wilkerson to benefit from the Holy Spirit in prophetic. Additionally your tendency to lean to the "practical" will streamline your training in these areas. The Holy Spirit is the most practical and workable force in the universe. (and Love never fails. )
Here is a text copy of Strong's definition of the three key words based on the Greek definition.
3874 paraklesis par-ak’-lay-sis
from 3870; TDNT-5:773,778; {See TDNT 592} n f
AV-consolation 14, exhortation 8, comfort 6, entreaty 1; 29
- 1) a calling near, summons, (esp. for help)
- 2) importation, supplication, entreaty
- 3) exhortation, admonition, encouragement
- 4) consolation, comfort, solace; that which affords comfort or refreshment
- 4a) thus of the Messianic salvation (so the Rabbis call the Messiah the consoler, the comforter)
- 5) persuasive discourse, stirring address
- 5a) instructive, admonitory, conciliatory, powerful hortatory discourse the verb :
3870 parakaleo par-ak-al-eh’-o
from 3844 and 2564; TDNT-5:773,778; {See TDNT 592} vAV-beseech 43, comfort 23, exhort 21, desire 8, pray 6, entreat 3, misc 4, vr besought 1; 109
- 1) to call to one’s side, call for, summon
- 2) to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, comfort, instruction, etc.
- 2a) to admonish, exhort
- 2b) to beg, entreat, beseech
- 2b1) to strive to appease by entreaty
- 2c) to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation, to comfort
- 2c1) to receive consolation, be comforted
- 2d) to encourage, strengthen
- 2e) exhorting and comforting and encouraging
- 2f) to instruct, teach
Additionally you will not always know the person who is speaking, but you may have observed his (/or her) associates. If he befriends a known enemy, there is a higher than average possibility that he also will matriculate into that area as well. So consider the source.
3619 oikodome oy-kod-om-ay’
feminine (abstract) of a compound of 3624 and the base of 1430; TDNT-5:144,674; {See TDNT 539} n f AV-edifying 7, building 6, edification 4, wherewith (one) may edify 1; 18- 1) (the act of) building, building up
- 2) metaph. edifying, edification
- 2a) the act of one who promotes another’s growth in Christian wisdom, piety, happiness, holiness
- 3) a building (i.e. the thing built, edifice)
3624 oikos oy’-kos
of uncertain affinity; TDNT-5:119,674; {See TDNT 539} n m AV-house 104, household 3, home + 1519 2, at home + 1722 2, misc 3; 114- 1) a house
- 1a) an inhabited house, home
- 1b) any building whatever
- 1b1) of a palace
- 1b2) the house of God, the tabernacle
- 1c) any dwelling place
- 1c1) of the human body as the abode of demons that possess it
- 1c2) of tents, and huts, and later, of the nests, stalls, lairs, of animals
- 1c3) the place where one has fixed his residence, one’s settled abode, domicile
- 2) the inmates of a house, all the persons forming one family, a household
- 2a) the family of God, of the Christian Church, of the church of the Old and New Testaments
- 3) stock, family, descendants of one
1430 doma do’-mah
from demo (to build); ; n n-
AV-house top 7; 7
- 1) a building, house
- 2) a part of a building, dining room, hall
- 3) house top, roof
- 3a) the house tops of the Orientals were (and still are) level and frequented not only for walking, but also for meditation and prayer
3889 paramuthia par-am-oo-thee’-ah
from 3888; TDNT-5:816,784; {See TDNT 595} n f-
AV-comfort 1; 1
- 1) any address, whether made for the purpose of persuading, or of arousing and stimulating, or of calming and consoling
- 1a) consolation, comfort
- 1) to speak to, address one, whether by way of admonition and incentive, or to calm and console
- 1a) to encourage, console
4395 propheteuo prof-ate-yoo’-o
from 4396; TDNT-6:781,952; {See TDNT 673} v-
AV-prophesy 28; 28
- 1) to prophesy, to be a prophet, speak forth by divine inspirations, to predict
- 1a) to prophesy
- 1b) with the idea of foretelling future events pertaining esp. to the kingdom of God
- 1c) to utter forth, declare, a thing which can only be known by divine revelation
- 1d) to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels
- 1d1) under like prompting, to teach, refute, reprove, admonish, comfort others
- 1e) to act as a prophet, discharge the prophetic office