Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time is short

Shocking news yesterday, here is the rest if the story....
Have a neighbor with some history... Now how often does Neighbor and history mean something good????? Well with this guy and his story it at best has been a little "iffy!" As events unfolded yesterday we discovered that almost no one in the neighborhood liked this guy. Could be that I am little unusual, but I never looked at all his deficits but only his better points. In short I did like the guy. He was a very interesting person, his profession was that of a DJ. He owned a firm that would sent a MC to a party, function or event. He personally moderated the VFW monthly events, and several other regular club events. Additionally, he became the "canned party" at many weddings as well as other similar celebrations like Birthday, Graduation Parties or Quientera. One time he mentioned that he had twelve thousand songs (MP3) on his computer. His search engine would find the tune as fast as a person could request it; making these parties seem spontaneous.

Over time it became a game with the two of us to tell each the joke "de jour" we had heard. Seldom did I hear a joke that he did not already know and could beet me to the punch line. Even that fact was fun! Once started, we could tell jokes back and forth for some time, He had no trouble telling three to my one, but it was still fun.

Here is the scenario making this piece relevant. With no presenting medical issues; he pulled into a famous Tex-Mex restaurant for a light lunch before an afternoon "Gig." He called his wife from the parking lot to "touch base." She reported that there was no particular alert within his call. He told her of his love for he and hung up. He must have sat in the car a few seconds as the doors were never unlocked. Later a passer-by noticed him. Then after knocking with no response, they called a paramedic. Arriving; The emergency team opened the door only to find that my friend had passed from this world.

... Left this piece in draft form several months: Even today the unexpected nature of his "Call To Report": "Who is the God of your Life?" leaves me stunned (as I think about it!).
Was My Friend ready? Am I ready? Are you ready?

It is never too soon to make your piece with HIM!

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