Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Haiku Proverbs

Haiku Friend

I call you friend;
Friend knows more than  a servant,
All have I told you!
Words of Jesus!

Haiku African Proverb

When you find yourself
In a  hole, Stop digging Now!
Relief can then come!

Haiku on Power

To be mighty, One
Only to be mightier,
Than all other ones!

Haiku Desperation

A most dangerous
is an idea when it
Is all that you have!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Experiencing God Haiku

God speaks with his word;
He finds people to talk to;
He speaks with his friends!

I will be a friend,
To hear what He has to Say,
And to learn from Him!

How do I feel

I treasure his presence,
The time we spend together;
More than his presents.

From my pastors words.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Splash your bucket - Haiku

What fills your bucket
Will splash out when you get bumped;
So fill it with God's Word.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Essentials of the Faith

Our life
We proclaim HIM now;
Christ crucified, Now Risen!
To Know him is LIFE!

Our  Consciousness 
Time in the present,
Presence of God is the Gift
Of God, The Most High!

Our Endeavor
Practicing the Presence 
of God  is my hearts Prayer;
Awake or Asleep!

Our Mission
What preceeds a vision?
Sanctified Discontentment;
Something is not RIGHT!

And what you decide
to do about it...Vision!
Seek Discontentment!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Haiku very old Wisdon

Effective Leaders
Not based on being clever;
being consistant
By Dr. John C. Maxwell, Developing The Leader Within You!


A great thing about our faith;
Our Faith Deals with PAIN!

Pain in Prespective

My pain is nothing,
Good pain is the price for growth
Bad pain; Injury.

Know the difference,
With the one you convalesce,
With the other, Praise!

James One says that trials
And pain yield maturity;
So count it all JOY!


To you who served all
We appreciate your love;
Felt through your hands!

Haiku Endurance

Haiku Endurance

Blessed to endureTemptation:
for when He's tried,
He receives the CROWN!

The Lord has promised
Life as a Crown when you Love
The One who gives LIFE!


Let No tempted man;
Say God tempted Me to sin!
God won't tempt or sin!

Each man is tempted;
enticed by his own desire,
Thereby does he sin.

When desire concieves
It brings forth sin, when finished;
Sin then brings forth  DEATH!