Saturday, April 24, 2010

Put your Trust in God Haiku

Put your Trust in God

Perhaps situation
or difficulty you face;
Your struggle with God.

To believe that God
Will work things out - miracle;
Your struggle with God!

If this your picture
I ask you today take steps;
Small or Large trust God.

His Sovereign Will
His Perfect Will - work things out;
Put your trust in God!

By Wes G.

How great is our God

How great is our God,
His goodness beyond compare.
He is near to all!

By Wes G.

Your Faith Journey Haiku

Your Faith Journey

Obtain a notebook;
to record your thoughts of heart;
Your Journey with God.

You can save your thoughts
Later see how you grew;
In your faith journey!

By Wes G.


Courage Haiku

Courage in the face

of trial is rewarded

By a faithful God!

By Wes G.

Dog tails Haiku

Dog tails

Every dog has a tail,

If you don't know the species

but discern the tail!

Every dog has a tail,

to discern dog see tail,

Then be good at tails.

Every dog has a tail
Predict a dog is easy;
If you know the tail!

By Wes G.

A day for Love

A day for Love

A day for some Love

A Peaceful day all day long;

A day for some fun!

By Wes G.

Hard times

Hard times

Hard times are good

Not for the pain they bring, but for

Hearts they make clean

Steel is proven by test

Hearts are proven by trials,

Character by pain!

So use your trials

A better one you'll be,

When in the green again!

By Wes G.

What is a haiku?

Seventeen syllables

Does a haiku present;

beauty, simply, Peace!

five first line and then

seven on the second one

five on the third

simple things pictured

flowers, some nature, and life;

leaving sense of peace.

Monday, April 19, 2010


it's not the friends made;
it's what you still have years later,
that count in this life!

Givers never Mooch,
Moochers never give at all;
So pick friends Wisely!

Job 16:20 All My friends scorn me:
mine eye pours out tears to God.
He comforts my soul

Job 17:5 He that speaks flattery
to his friends, the eyes of his
children shall fail them.

Job 19:14 My kinsfolk have failed,
my close friends have forgotten
But the Lord fails not....

Job 19:19 All my close friends hate:
even those whom I loved are turned ;
The Lord is faithful!

Job 19:21 Have pity upon me,
have pity upon me, my friends;
The Lord's hand's on me.

Job 32:3 God's wrath was kindled,
having no answer condemned;
Job having no fault!
Job 42:7 After that the LORD spoke
My wrath against you, and them:
Your heart is not right!

Job 42:10 Job's ill LORD turned
when he prayed for his three friends:
LORD doubled Job wealth!

Ps 38:11 My lovers and friends
stand afar from my illness
kinsmen shun me too!.

Ps 38:15 For in you, O LORD,
do I hope: that you will hear,
O my Lord my God.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Haiku for wayward Soul

Continue this way,
Things won't go well with you;
So turn back to God

Going on this way
can not be a way of Peace;
So turn back to God

You do know better,
You were taught the truth at home;
So turn back to God

Some hearts turn easy,
Others only with near death;
So turn back to God

You say you have Choice,
To do anything you wish;
So turn back to God

But choices bring pain
when not along God's true word;
So turn back to God

The path of Great Life,
can be found only in Him
So turn back to God

believer not doubt

I'm a believer not a doubter

I'm a believer

not a doubter to hear Him;

I trust in God.

I had a whole heart,
But then sin was found in me,
The blood restores me.

How great is our God

How great is our God,

His goodness beyond compare.

He is near to all!

Various Gifts

Mercy Compassion

Mercy compassion
Share from the heart completely
Bearing others pain


Faith to move Mountain
Worketh much for an elder
Bring about great change

One word

Great One efficient
With one word, "Let there be Light!"
All this came to be...


To open a home for fun,
Your heart to be healed


To put in order all things,
With no discord seen.


To someone special like you
To encourage you


We come when needed
You just say what to do;
We do what you say!


Giving in secret
Great anger to put away;
Bring Fellowship anew!

The greatest Gift

Desire the greatest gift
What gift is the greatest gift?
The gift most in need...

The Pastor

Shepherd cares for all
Not one soul to be lost
Till return The Lamb

The Teacher

Study the word
Picking meaning from each line;
Easy learn and easy teach!

The Preacher

Gives exhortation
Edification-to charge
Comfort all in pain...

The Evangelist

The Hope of the day,
To see a life born anew;
Leave the clean to God!

The Apostle

Go into the world
Building the church of God
Wonders, miracles!

The greatest Gift

Desire the greatest gift
What gift is the greatest gift?
The gifty most in need...

The Stewart

Care for another's goods
Make a profit if you can;
Report all in tact!

Various Gifts

Mercy Compassion

Mercy compassion
Share from the heart completely
Bearing others pain


Faith to move Mountain
Worketh much for an elder
Bring about great change

One word

Great One efficient
With one word, "Let there be Light!"
All this came to be...


To open a home for fun,
Your heart to be healed


To put in order all things,
With no discord seen.


To someone special like you
To encourage you


We come when needed
You just say what to do;
We do what you say!


Giving in secret
Great anger to put away;
Bring Fellowship anew!

The greatest Gift

Desire the greatest gift
What gift is the greatest gift?
The gift most in need...

The Pastor

Shepherd cares for all
Not one soul to be lost
Till return The Lamb

The Teacher

Study the word
Picking meaning from each line;
Easy learn and easy teach!

The Preacher

Gives exhortation
Edification-to charge
Comfort all in pain...

The Evangelist

The Hope of the day,
To see a life born anew;
Leave the clean to God!

The Apostle

Go into the world
Building the church of God
Wonders, miracles!

The greatest Gift

Desire the greatest gift
What gift is the greatest gift?
The gifty most in need...

The Stewart

Care for another's goods
Make a profit if you can;
Report all in tact!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

healing flowers

healing flowers

healer must be healed

to give away healing gifts

so see the flowers...

healing flowers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Givers never Mooch,
Moochers never give at all;
So pick friends Wisely!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today is all you have

yesterday's check spent,
tomorrow a promise note;
but today is cash!

this came from Tom Dooley's

Miracles are easy Haiku

Miracles are easy Haiku

A seed planted in

Need Together with faith in

God, Hope is Granted.

By faith understand Haiku

By faith understand Haiku

Faith the substance Hoped
evidence as yet unseen;
Let there be a light!

By faith understand
the world is framed by God's Word;
Let there be a light!

What we now can see
Does not come from what appears;
Let there be a light!

Without Faith no please
for he that comes must believe ;
Let there be a light!

Believe that he is,
and to reward diligent;
Let there be a light!

They desire a country,
heavenly where God is proud;
Let there be a light!

There a city waits,
prepared for each, one and all;
Let there be a light!

Abraham received ,
promises for his son;
Let there be a light!

For it was said that,
In Issac shall be your seed;
Let there be a light!

But others had cruel trials,
mockings scourging bonds and jail;
Let there be a light!

When some were stoned,
sawed asunder, were tempted;
Let there be a light!

Were slain with the sword,
Destitute, Afflicted, Tormented;
Let there be a light!

The world unworthy,
Wondered deserts, mountains, dens;
Let there be a light!

Through them God provided,
Some better thing made complete;
Let there be a light!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Recently I have been experiencing an easy time of Haiku

Recently nearly every thought is just a breath away from fitting into a Haiku 5-7-5= 17 syllables.
Enclosed you may enjoy some of them.

When Play is your Work
Your Work Is Play and for Fun,
So Play with the Lord!