Friday, October 21, 2011

Make today count!

make today count

In the parable of the talents, Jesus seemed to say that the servant who spent the time in buying and selling; was accountable for how he spent the time. The hearers did not question how the profit was measured; Only that there was profit! Either of two conditions needed to exist,

  • The context implied the profit and by implication the medium of exchange
  • The hearers were too dull to think this through.
  • Either way we ask this question? what is the medium of exchange, and how is profit measured? Seems to me that looking at the Sum of Jesus life, He was selling his time to obtain souls. In short, He was seeking those who qualify to have their name inscribed into the Lamb's book of life.

    First qualification for this effort, change allegiances. Make the God of Abraham, Issiac, and Jacob: the Most High; personal God of the life.

    1. Look to him for supernatural help in time of need.
    2. Return to Him his percentage
    3. Thanks for the help
    4. Praise/Glory for the contribution,
    5. as complete observance to his Commandments as possible
      This observance also aids in the profit effort
    6. Return ten percent of the increase
    7. Attend where possible to the interests and obligations of the Holy Spirit
      1. to use your presence, words and resources to answer the heart felt prayers of others.
      2. Attend to the poor, needy, the outcsts of the society


    Use your time today to make a heavenly profit!