Thursday, November 22, 2012

Seek Wisdom

Thinking of you with a delicate mix of Joy and grace, I am hoping that you are pleased with your life. Would love to hear of some of your joys, sorrows, life experiences. In many ways each person life is different, yet the mile posts are ever so similar. Strange how we pass on scientific knowledge, yet fall so very short in passing on that great thing some call wisdom. Wisdom is a free apple on the trees that we pass by in our life journey, yet how many pass by with out ever picking one off of the lower branches. We often notice that people get each day's ticket punched with nothing more than the memory. On the back, if one will pause to reflect, these is a free coupon to be exchanged for the daily installment of wisdom. Let's not be the one who exchanges the steps of life with nothing of value, but instead be the ones who get a sweet tasty bite of wisdom to fuel the next steps of the road of life.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Birthday

Haiku Birthday
Happy Birthday boy
Celebrate a year of Fun;
Then it is all done!