Friday, February 10, 2012

Prayer or Relationship???

Last night as i was having a little delay going to sleep, i decided to look up the web site. after a while I matriculated to the Freedom page. Glancing down the list of downloads, and ran across a one hour teaching by pastor Marcus. I love the sound of his voice so I listened to it for a while. He was teaching on healing and how our prayer life gives a silhouette of our view of God. Is God the magic slot machine in the sky? or Is he a friend who cares intimately for his friends (of which i consider my self one?) I believe that Pastor Marcus was presenting the idea that the money, health, job relationship, etc or what ever the presenting problem might be; was not the "REAL" focal point. The focal point is Kononia; that would be relationship. Relationship implies inter relating (in other words back and forth.) If God's part is to heal, set free, provide; well: what is the part of the other half? (that would be me!) (Don't remember what Marcus said next.) Must have dosed off or more likely daydreamed, but seems to me that the next thought would be to really Love God. From time to time, I have people who come to me with a scarcely transparent "what can I get out of you attitude;" I really have a time overlooking my own "flesh response," and was wondering how God felt at times like that between me and Him. Ha ha! His mercy endures for ever with all the times I have turned the beggar to him!

Bottom line is this: What is God saying to you in the frustration of this situation, and crisis of faith that it presents. When I get into a "Jam" of circumstances, I

  • "redouble my scripture reading, with an emphasis on increasing my faith."
  • I try to see if there is someone that I can help: good word of encouragement, practical help, or a coin.
  • In short I apply my self to the things that I know that my Father is interested in (James 1:27.) He has made some promises to certain types of persons, and I find that attending to those "promisees," hastens the relief that I need.
  • 1 comment:

    1. We have been talking a lot about this in Sunday school as we have talked about showing mercy to those in need. Our judgments of who the person is and what the person really needs often gets in the way. God desires mercy not sacrifice, but that is something that is hard for many and was lost on the religious leaders in the days of Jesus. I like that your answer to overcoming a "flesh response" is to redouble your scripture reading efforts! There are always so many things left to learn from the scriptures.
